Monday, August 24, 2015

Obama pardoned a meth dealer

So does anyone think it's a good idea that we pardoned a meth dealer?

NPR interviewed a meth dealer that Obama pardoned. She went on and on about how being jailed messed up her life, screwed up her relationship with her daughter. She showed no remorse or concern for the people she may have hurt. Didn't even mention that side of it. It was all about how prison inconvenienced her. And NPR didn't even bother to ask that question.

When I heard that Obama was pardoning drug offenders, I thought he was pardoning drug users. Or maybe pot dealers. I had no idea he was letting out meth dealers.

I wonder, did he pardon any heroin dealers also?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Illegal Alien Balance Sheet

My father-in-law put together a plan to address illegal immigration. It is a smart and thoughtful solution.

But it is a solution

In my field of software development, before we embark on a solution, we always make sure we have correctly identified the problem.

What I need spelled out is this: exactly what is the problem we are trying to solve and why is it a problem?

I'd like to see a detailed analysis showing exactly and precisely how society is being harmed by illegal aliens? Also, in what way are illegal aliens helping society. Basically a balance sheet. I think that measuring these things is difficult or impossible. But here is the kind of thing I would like to see:

  • they don't pay income tax
  • they reap the benefits of costly social programs (schools, etc)
  • they're rapists (just kidding)
  • they don't charge much for their services
  • they take care of our children
  • they clean our houses
  • they maintain our yards
  • they buy stuff and contribute to the economy
  • they pay sales tax
  • they start businesses and employ people
  • compared to American poor people I find immigrants (legal or otherwise) to be more hard working and honest.
So before I start to give a shit about illegal immigration solutions, I need to be convinced, with evidence and hard facts, not emotions, opinions and prejudice, that illegal immigration is actually harming America. 

Because to my simple mind, it's not obvious.

And once I am convinced that illegal immigration is actually harming America, I need to be convinced that it is harming america in a big way.

It's not like we are running out of space. Have you ever seen Wyoming? Hell, even California, the most populace state in America, is mostly open space.

Thomas Jefferson started the Declaration of Independence with a very long and detailed explanation as to why we need independence. I would like to see the same thing here. 

Why is solving illegal immigration the most important issue in america? Convince me!